
Jason 강사 소개


IB Econ& BM 누적 수강생 총 1,100명 이상

IB Econ 만점 930명 이상 배출

IB Bm 만점 930명 이상 배출



- Edinburgh Business School 석사 (MBA)
- University of Nottingham 학사 
    (Applied Psychology, Management )
- British Council certified agent & counselor
    (영국유학 전문 상담사 수료)


 - IB/AP/A-LEVEL 경제/경영/심리 지도경력 8년이상
- IB 경제/경영/심리 EE,IA 지도
- 영국 UCAS 및 진로 컨설팅
- 전) 영국에듀, 프린스턴리뷰, 헤럴드교육
        (경제/경영/심리 대표강사)

강의목차 (총  강)

[Rookie] IBDP Y1 & Y2 제이슨

1. 1.1_What is Economics 28 분

2. 2.1_PPC Model 15 분

3. 2.2_Circular Flow of Income 10 분

4. 2.3_Demand 17 분

5. 2.4_Supply 9 분

6. 2.5_Competitive market equilibrium 17 분

7. 2.6_Critique of the maximizing behaviour of 13 분

8. 2.7_PED 24 분

9. 2.8_PES 17 분

10. 2.9_YED 7 분

11. 2.10_Government Intervention 8 분

12. 2.11_Taxation 28 분

13. 2.12_Subsidy 14 분

14. 2.13_Price Floor 20 분

15. 2.14_Price Ceiling 8 분

16. 2.15_Market failure—externalities 18 분

17. 2.16_Negative Externality 13 분

18. 2.17_Positive Externality 12 분

19. 2.18_Solutions to Negative Externalities 22 분

20. 2.19_Solutions to Positive Externalities 12 분

21. 3.1 macroeconomics 30 분

22. 3.2 Business Cycle 19 분

23. 3.3 Aggregate Demand 22 분

24. 3.4 Aggregate Supply 12 분

25. 3.5 ADAS Short Run Equilibrium 24 분

26. 3.6 Long Run Equilibrium Monetarist 21 분

27. 3.7 Short Run Long Run Equilibrium Keynesian 24 분

28. 3.8 Demand & Supply Shocks 13 분

29. 3.9 Keynesian Multiplier 13 분

30. 3.10 Low Unemployment 28 분

31. 3.11 Low Inflation 27 분

32. 3.12 Inflation Rate and Phillips Curve 20 분

33. 3.13 Economic Growth 17 분

34. 3.14 Equity in the Distribution of Income 24 분

35. 3.15 Demand Side Policy - Fiscal Policy 17 분

36. 3.16 Demand Side Policy - Monetary Policy 12 분

37. 3.17 Tools of Monetary Policy 19 분

38. 3.18 Supply Side Policy 24 분

39. HL 1 Market Failure- Public Goods, Asymmetric Information, CPR 14 분

40. HL 2 Revenue, Costs and Profit Part 1 30 분

41. HL 3 Revenue, Costs and Profit Part 2 27 분

42. HL 4 Market Power- Perfect Competition (HL) 42 분

43. HL 5 Market Power- Monopoly (HL) 25 분

44. HL 6 Market Power- Monopolistic Competition (HL) 19 분

45. HL 7 Market Power- Oligopoly (HL) 29 분

46. 4.1 Benefits of Trade 11 분

47. 4.2 Trade Protection 37 분

48. 4.3 Absolute Advantage & Comparative Advantage (HL) 19 분

49. 4.4 Exchange Rates Part 1- 23 분

50. 4.5 Exchange Rates Part 2- 13 분

51. 4.6 Exchange Rates Part 3 13 분

52. 4.7 Balance of Payment 21 분

53. 4.8 BOP surplus & deficit 14 분

54. 4.9 BOP methods to correct current account deficits 7 분

55. 4.10 Economic Integration Part 1 11 분

56. 4.11 MLC & J curve (HL) 14 분

57. 4.12 Barriers to Economic Development Part 1 25 분

58. 4.13 Barriers to Economic Development Part 2 19 분

59. 4.14 Economic Integration Part 2 16 분

60. 4.15 Economic and sustainalbe development 21 분

61. 4.16 Strategies to Promote Economic Growth & Development Part 1 21 분

62. 4.17 Strategies to Promote Economic Growth & Development Part 2 23 분
